Getting started
Before you begin
Supervisor to-do list
Get inspired by peer PhD supervisors stories (watch the video below)
Get familiar with the TU Delft policies
Get familiar with the support you have
Bookmark the Library RDM website
Get inspired!
Why is good research data and software management so important? And how do PhD candidates think supervisors can best support them in their trajectory? Let's listen to their stories:
Additional resources
PhD Agreement Meeting
After 3 months
Supervisor to-do list
Read the ‘RDM Checklist PhD agreement’
Get familiar with training available for PhD candidates
Get familiar with what is a DMP
Get familiar with DMPonline
Additional resources
Recommended review meeting
Preparation Go / No Go meeting
Preparation 3 - 9 months / meeting after 9 months
Supervisor to-do list
Read the ‘RDM Checklist Recommended review meeting’
Get familiar with Research Data storage and backup at TU Delft
Bookmark the contact page of Faculty Data Stewards and share it with PhD candidates
If applicable, get familiar with the TU Delft Personal Data workflow
Additional resources
Go / No Go meeting
after 12 months
Supervisor to-do list
Read the ‘RDM Checklist Go / No Go meeting’
Use the checklist ‘5 Things to check when reviewing Data Management Plans’
Plan for Research Data and Software publication
Remember the training available for PhD candidates
Additional resources
Yearly progress meeting at 24/36 (48 months)
after 24/36 months
Supervisor to-do list
Get familiar with ‘Publishing requirements for data and code for TU Delft PhD candidates’
Remember the support you (and PhD candidates) have available at TU Delft
Additional resources
Doctoral Defence – Form B
> 13 weeks before defense
Supervisor to-do list
Read the ‘RDM Checklist Doctoral Defence – Form B’