Finding and reusing code

Learn about what is important to consider if you are planning to reuse pieces of code/software from others when developing research software.

Before you get started with writing your code, you might want to look for code and software that others have already written and shared. This could be work by a predecessor in your team, a code snippet you found online, or software that is published and archived.

When reusing research software, there are some relevant factors to consider, such as, where to find and how to evaluate the reusability of the available software? Maurits Kok, one of TU Delft Digital Competence Center research software engineers, walks you through those considerations in the following video.

Video recording from TU Delft MOOC Open Science: Sharing Your Research with the World.
Presenter: Dr. Maurits Kok.
Credits: TU Delft Extension School, TU Delft New Media Center, TU Delft Digital Competence Center.
Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA.

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