Previous page Publication of netCDF data on 4TU.ResearchData 4TU.ResearchData offers an archiving solution for netCDF data through their OPeNDAP server. Publication of netCDF data on 4TU.ResearchData external Knowledge Base PhD Trajectory Where in the Knowledge base? Think & PlanPersonal data and human subjects in researchResearch data storageData management planSoftware management planDiscover & ReuseGather/Create & AnalyseWrite & PublishShare & Impact Where in the PhD Trajectory? Getting started When: Before you begin PhD Agreement Meeting When: After 3 months Recommended review meeting When: Preparation 3 - 9 months / meeting after 9 months Go / No Go meeting When: after 12 months Yearly progress meeting at 24/36 (48 months) When: after 24/36 months Doctoral Defence – Form B When: > 13 weeks before defense