Research Data Management for getting started on a new project

Whenever setting up a project there are relevant processes and documentation that should be in place. As a PhD supervisor, it is important that all this preparatory work is in place before the candidates begin their project in order to avoid any delay with their start, or any of the steps in their PhD development cycle. 

You should ensure that PhD candidates are informed about any relevant framework agreements, policies, or legal documentation that may affect their research activities, publications, and/or defence process.

You can find below a set of checkpoints that can help you prepare for the processes and complete the necessary documentation when starting any new research project at TU Delft. 

You will see that some of the preparatory work and documentation involves the drafting of the data management plan (DMP) where the PhD candidate has an active role. But, it is your responsibility as a supervisor to guide the PhD candidate and make sure that processes and documentation associated with their DMP have been correctly completed.

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